TFF Team / Rapeware Corporation , 1990
Hacker Chris / Rapeware Corporation , 1990
The Nightman / The Israeli Team / Rapeware Corporation , 1990
The Worms / Kassoft / Rapeware Corporation , 1989
The Lords / Rapeware Corporation , 1989
Br0mba / Rapeware Corporation , 1989
The Israeli Team / Rapeware Corporation , 1989
TFF Team / Rapeware Corporation , 1989
The Octopus / Rapeware Corporation , 1989
SGT Pepper / Rapeware Corporation , 1988
Theo Devil / Rapeware Corporation
Agent-X / Rapeware Corporation
Kidson Software / Rapeware Corporation , 1995
Flash Inc / Rapeware Corporation , 1995
Rapeware Corporation, 1994
Rapeware Corporation, 1996
Rapeware Corporation , 1996