g0blinish / Den Popov , 2013
g0blinish , 2013
Scoopex , 2009
Flash Inc, 1999
Gasman / The Hot Heads , 1997
Omega Hackers Group, 1996
Black Eagle Company , 1996
Rem Software , 1996
Global Corporation, 1996
Gonza / Red Limited Drunkards Group , 1995
Queen Software Inc , 1995
Silicon Brains , 1995
High Style Software , 1995
Code Busters , 1994
Exodus , 1994
1 Dream Makers Software, 1994
Ethanol Soft Inc., 1992
Dynamite Dynastie, 1990
SGT Pepper / Rapeware Corporation , 1988
AND Soft
Galaxy Force, 1996
Maximum / Galaxy Force
TNL, 2001
CGS , 1996
RST7 / Mortal Kombat Hackers Group , 1995
Famous Faces Factory , 1995
FFC Computers, 1995
Delta Hackers Group, 1995
Andrew Isaev , 1994